Welcome to Dr. Carl Litif, a new postdoc in the lab, and congratulations on the postdoctoral fellowship supported by the NIDA Diversity Supplement program!

A manuscript titled “TM7SF3 controls TEAD1 splicing to prevent MASH-induced liver fibrosis” was accepted in Cell Metabolism. Francesca Telese, Narayan Pokhrel, and Avraham Libster are co-authors. This work was in collaboration with Dr. Olefsky’s research group at the School of Medicine at UCSD.


Francesca gives a talk at the 10th Annual Retreat of the Center for Genetics, Genomics, and Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders in Outbred Rats


Shane Desfor attends the Neuroscience of Addiction Course at Cold Spring Harbor (August 6-13, 2024)